
Frick Collection Hosted European Year of Cultural Heritage and the 25th Anniversary of the EU Celebration

May 7, 2018 New York, NY, United States - The European Union's Mission to the United Nations celebrates EU Day at the Frick Collection in Manhattan. It was hosted by EU Ambassador Joao Vale de Almeida who was joined by the Frick's director, Ian Wardropper and EEAS Director, Silvio Gonzato. Gonzato introduced the European Year of Cultural Heritage program.

On May 7th 2018 The European Year of Cultural Heritage and the 25th anniversary of the EU event was hosted by Ian Wardropper, The Frick Director, Silvio Gonzato, European External Service Director on European heritage and Ambassador João Vale de Almeida head of the EU delegation to the U.N. at The Frick Collection on Upper East Side in New York City.

May 7, 2018 New York, NY, United States – The European Union’s Mission to the United Nations celebrates EU Day at the Frick Collection in Manhattan. It was hosted by EU Ambassador Joao Vale de Almeida who was joined by the Frick’s director, Ian Wardropper and EEAS Director, Silvio Gonzato. Gonzato introduced the European Year of Cultural Heritage program.

Prior to the cocktail, The Music Room was open for UN ambassadors and delegates as well as city’s notables to hear what will 2018 bring when it comes to European cultural heritage.

It will be interesting for Europeans and those who enjoy European culture to know that there are series of initiatives and events across Europe taken in order for us to become closer to and more involved with our cultural heritage. Cultural heritage shapes our identities and everyday lives. It is not only found in literature, art and objects. It surrounds us in Europe’s cities, landscapes, archaeological sites and the stories we tell to our children, the food we love and movies we watch.

It is important to preserve and pass cultural heritage on to future generations since it plays a big role in building the future of Europe. That is why it is important to reach out to young people in particular during the European Year.This is why in 2018, we search for ways to celebrate and preserve it. We can discover and explore our diversity.

May 7, 2018 New York, NY, United States – The European Union’s Mission to the United Nations celebrates EU Day at the Frick Collection in Manhattan. It was hosted by EU Ambassador Joao Vale de Almeida who was joined by the Frick’s director, Ian Wardropper and EEAS Director, Silvio Gonzato. Gonzato introduced the European Year of Cultural Heritage program.

Thousands of activities are taking place across Europe to involve people more closely with cultural heritage. Each Member State has appointed a National Coordinator to implement the year and coordinate events and projects at local, regional and national level.

At European level, all EU institutions are committed to making the year a success.

We are very happy to hear that they are working on many projects in order to preserve European cultural heritage in Western Balkans.

Here are the events link to the EU-Western Balkans Cultural Heritage Route:

Events in WB

Interesting fact:

Europe Day traces its origins to 9 May 1950, when French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented his historic proposal for an integrated European coal and steel community, indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations. This proposal, known as the “Schuman Declaration,” is considered to be the founding document of what is now the European Union. Each year, the European Union Delegation to the United Nations hosts a celebration to mark Europe Day.

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