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Interview With Jamie Harris of “Carnival Row”

British actor Jamie Harris joined Pop Style TV’s Lauren Conlin to discuss Amazon Prime’s “Carnival Row,” and why it’s a must-watch. Harris and Conlin have a blast chatting about Harris’ experience on set with Stephen Spielberg (West Side Story), working with Colin Farrell BEFORE he got sober, and some of their favorite Martin McDonagh films. “Carnival Row” Season 1 and 2 is available on Amazon Prime now. Don’t miss this wildly entertaining interview that will surely make you feel like you’re having a cup of coffee among friends.


Lauren Conlin:

Hey, guys. It’s Lauren Conlin from Pop Style TV. I have a super special guest today, actor Jamie Harris, one of the stars of Carnival Row on Amazon Prime. So Jamie, thanks for joining me, handsome.

Jamie Harris:

Oh, thank you for inviting me.

Lauren Conlin:

You are so welcome. Okay. So, I’m going to admit to you-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

I have not seen the show, yet, Carnival Row. I watched a trailer, and it looks so creepy and weird, and basically right up my alley. So, tell me everything.

Jamie Harris:

Well, it’s two seasons, 1 and 2. I think it took the best part of five years to shoot both seasons. Season 2-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… due to the epidemic, took three years.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

I mean, Prague became a second home to me, really.

Lauren Conlin:

Whoa. You said Prague?

Jamie Harris:

Yeah. The whole thing, we shot in Prague.

Lauren Conlin:

Wait. That’s so cool. Oh, my gosh.

Jamie Harris:

It gets cooler. What was amazing was, initially we were shooting during the wintertime, Christmas period, where Prague is freezing cold.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

So as beautiful as it is to look at, it was quite hard to be outside. Because of COVID, they had to change it to the summertime for whatever reason, financially.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

So we got to sit, me and the other actors, in the most gorgeous weather in Prague, which was under lockdown, so there were no tourists there.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

The whole city was empty. Restaurants were begging you to come in because they had no clientele.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

We got to sit there in the sun, working. It was glorious.

Lauren Conlin:

You are very worldly. I was supposed to go to Prague and Brussels in 2016. I was over in Amsterdam. My husband is so stupid. I was pregnant. I’m like, “Why would you bring me to Amsterdam, pregnant?” I know. Right? You know exactly what I’m saying. So I’m like, “Why would you bring me here, pregnant?” So I kiboshed the whole trip, and I’m like, “I want to go home.” I couldn’t handle it, so I need a redo.

Jamie Harris:

Well, hold on. You need a redo. We went to Prague with our baby and she was, I think, four to five months old.

Lauren Conlin:

Okay, okay.

Jamie Harris:

Babies love the [inaudible 00:02:36], all the streets in Prague are cobblestoned-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

So, the babies love it because it just rocks them to sleep, gently, as you go along your way.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… my kids are seven and five. They’re not babies anymore. This is a while ago. I want to go there because, I mean, looking at the trailer for this show, it does look gorgeous. Not only the scenery, like you mentioned, but the costumes are so intricate, and-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… the faces, and stuff.

Jamie Harris:

On the back lot of the studio, they built a huge set, an external set, which really was the city-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… of the burg, and it was stunning to look at. You walked onto the set, and you were taken into a different time-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… when you had all the costumes. We must have had 200 extras a day. God bless them. They were there from about 1:00 in the morning onwards, getting made up, all the makeup-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… on, effects. You’d show up to work at about, let’s say, 8:30, and you were transported into a whole different era, a different time, a different world.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

It was so beautifully shot. So, each member of each department were really, really good at what they did.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

The makeup and hair were the Italian group, who were just gorgeous. They were-

Lauren Conlin:

You can tell. I mean-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… it looks top-notch.

Jamie Harris:

You would get there at 7:00 in the morning, or 6:00 in the morning, they would give you these shots of coffee, which were like from hell. Suddenly, you were just like, “Whack. I’m awake, and-

Lauren Conlin:

Wait. Was it a Cuban coffee? Because those are cuckoo, like-

Jamie Harris:

No. I think they would claim it would be Italian, but it may-

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, right, right.

Jamie Harris:

It was really sharp stuff. Each member of each department were meticulous, and the costumes were fantastic. You-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… must watch the show. It’s a really good show. Season 1, is smaller. You know? It’s more about immigration-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… which at the time was, and still is, a very serious subject matter. It was a smaller plot. Season 2 is a huge plot.

Lauren Conlin:

Is there going to be a Season 3? Do we know, yet? Or-

Jamie Harris:

There is not going to be a Season 3. If you watch this show, you’ll see that really there was never going to be more than two seasons because it had run its-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… course.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

It had told its story. Even for an actor involved, as much as I enjoyed it, you would have to say, “I don’t know if there was another storyline in there.”

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

It doesn’t-

Lauren Conlin:

It ends, pretty much, like you’re satisfied, Season 2. You’re not like, “Ugh.”

Jamie Harris:

I mean… You know? Is one ever satisfied? I think it did what it [inaudible 00:05:31]. To be honest, a lot of American shows just go on too long. It could go-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

You’ve seen it. They’re regurgitating seasons, prior.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

[inaudible 00:05:40] didn’t want to do that. So, hats off to them. They took a bold step and ended it.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

From what I heard, the sets have been taken down. There’s no going back on that decision.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. You mentioned how amazing the costumes and makeup was, but let’s talk about the cast. Orlando Bloom, Cara Delevingne, this is a great cast, as well.

Jamie Harris:

Yeah. Phenomenal cast, and not just those two. They were great. All the supporting cast, Simon McBurney, and I could go on all day.

Lauren Conlin:

And, your brother. Right?

Jamie Harris:

Jared was in Season 1. He gets killed, as he always does. The supporting cast were phenomenal, really strong, which was really-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… good. When you’re dealing in a make believe world, you really need to base it in some form of reality. You can do that with good actors. You can take whatever the topic is and make it relevant. Even though there may be fairies flying around you, you can still ground it.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

So, I think that was done in Season 1. My brother was already dead by Season 2. That just takes off in a whole whirlwind of violence, and-

Lauren Conlin:

Dude, I think I’m going to watch it tonight. You literally just sold me on it. I think I’m going to start.

Jamie Harris:

Watch Season 1 first because that’ll get you into the characters, and it gently introduces you to the world. Season 2-

Lauren Conlin:

I mean, I’m a regular person. I wouldn’t start with Season 2. I would assume that most people start with Season 1. Right?

Jamie Harris:

No. Sometimes I get very impatient, and I fast-forward to whatever episode I enjoy.

Lauren Conlin:

Who does that?

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

You don’t watch the whole thing?

Jamie Harris:

I know, I know. I’m incorrigible.

Lauren Conlin:

You’re so funny. Oh, my gosh. Well, I want to talk about your upbringing because your father was a very famous Irish actor. So, I’m assuming he was born in Ireland. You were born in the UK. Is that right?

Jamie Harris:

That’s exactly right.

Lauren Conlin:

Okay. I am fascinated with Irish actors. I love Brendan Gleeson. I love Colin Farrell. So, I feel like I would’ve been a really big fan of your dad. I was looking him up, and he seemed just so amazing.

Jamie Harris:

Yeah. There’s a passion. You know? I lived in Dublin for two to three years when I was young. There’s a passion in Ireland that I don’t think you get elsewhere. I certainly don’t think you got it in London, when I was growing up in London.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

There’s a history to it. The poetry, I don’t know, the body language, everything about Ireland. There’s a swagger to it. It’s great.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

So, my father came from Limerick, but studied acting in London. Funny enough, I worked with Colin Farrell on The New World, Terrence Malick movie.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

He was a wonderful guy, a charmer, a gentleman, charming, just a lovely guy to work with.

Lauren Conlin:

What year was that movie? Remind me.

Jamie Harris:

Right. Again, I’m going to say 2005, 2006.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. Okay.

Jamie Harris:

That’s a-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… guess.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. Colin, I believe he got sober around 2006. So, maybe you caught him then, when he was just coming out of the… You know?

Jamie Harris:

No. I caught him just before.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, just before. Okay. So, it must have been 2005. Okay. So-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

Okay, okay. Got it.

Jamie Harris:

Yeah. I caught him on the end of the wild side.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. Okay.

Jamie Harris:

And, I believe Virginia will never forget that. So, poor me and Virginia, it was-

Lauren Conlin:

That must-

Jamie Harris:

We left-

Lauren Conlin:

… have been so fun. Oh, yeah.

Jamie Harris:

We left a lasting mark on Virginia, I think.

Lauren Conlin:

That’s amazing, amazing.

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

Did you-

Jamie Harris:

It was great.

Lauren Conlin:

I mean, your style of acting, I feel like you belong in a Martin McDonagh movie. Do you dream of working with him? He’s very, very… What’s the word I’m looking for? He’s precise, he’s succinct. You know?

Jamie Harris:

Working with Andy, I think he’s an actor’s director. That’s any actor’s dream. I have worked with a few. Jim Sheridan is very much an actor’s director. I would say Spielberg is, actually.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, wow.

Jamie Harris:

Quite a few are. Christopher Nolan, and one could go on.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

Were they really dealing with what’s inside the character as opposed to anything peripheral? So-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

But, absolutely. I mean, it would be any actor’s dream to work… I mean, The Banshees-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… when I started-

Lauren Conlin:

… so good.

Jamie Harris:

… watching, I knew he cut his fingers off. That much I’d got-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… before watching it, but I didn’t really know the story. I thought it was infatuating. It was brilliant.

Lauren Conlin:

Me, too. So did I.

Jamie Harris:

Just a story about friendship, it’s so rare, today, I think, you get a movie like that. In fact, I’m surprised it was made. If it wasn’t-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… for him, I don’t know if they would’ve got that made. He’s such a great writer/director. It’s such an in-depth, confusing story. Yet, it’s actually very simple in so far as the friendship, and then you’re dealing with the history of Ireland.

Lauren Conlin:

Ugh, I loved it.

Jamie Harris:

Well, quite often Ireland turns in on itself, which I think-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… was the whole friendship element.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

I loved it, I loved it. It would be an honor to work with any kind of director of that quality.

Lauren Conlin:

I feel like this is in the cards for you. No. Really. I feel like you are so castable for a writer/director like him. I completely agree with you. I mean, Banshees with Colin and Brendan, and even… What was the kid’s name who played Dominic? That-

Jamie Harris:

Oh, God. He-

Lauren Conlin:

… haunted me. Oh, my gosh. So good. Right?

Jamie Harris:

Stunning, heartbreaking-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… performance.

Lauren Conlin:

Heartbreaking. Exactly. Now-

Jamie Harris:

That young actor, I believe, was in a-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… movie called ’71.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

I worked with the director later on this show I did, called Lovecraft Country.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

We were talking about ’71, and we were talking specifically about that young actor, who I’m not sure actually had a word… I don’t think he had any dialogue in ’71-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… and he was breathtakingly good. But, yeah.

Lauren Conlin:

Barry… I don’t know how to say his last name. I should know. Keoghan, or whatever. I don’t know.

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

He was also in that movie with Colin Farrell, The Sacred Killing of a Deer.

Jamie Harris:

Ah, yeah.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

I loved that.

Lauren Conlin:

They worked together.

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

If you had to pick, would you pick Banshees, or would you pick In Bruges? Isn’t that hard?

Jamie Harris:

I just think they’re so different. I know it’s the same writer/director. I thought they were-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… so different. One led heavily on comedy, the other didn’t.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

I’ve got to say In Bruges. When I first saw Banshees, I was like, “Okay. I loved it. I’m not sure I’ll watch it again.” I loved it.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

In Bruges, I’ve watched many, many a time, but I’ve found myself watching The Banshees again and again.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

So, I don’t know. I think either one. I mean, to be in both is just-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… “Good God.”

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. I know. I agree. You know what? We’re supposed to be focused on you, but I feel like I’m having this great conversation with you, and-

Jamie Harris:

No, no. That’s fine.

Lauren Conlin:

… it’s fun. Let’s just pivot back to you.

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

So, you mentioned Spielberg was really an actor’s director. You worked with him on West Side Story. Correct?

Jamie Harris:

Yeah, yeah. I mean, West Side Story, it’s a small part. I went to New York to shoot it. As a movie, I couldn’t say that was the pinnacle of my career. As a single scene on a movie set, I would never forget that day. I loved it so much. I love working with him. There you have the epitome of a crew being the best at what they do.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

Every member of his team were geniuses at what they do. It made it an absolute joy to work on. I left, at the end of that day thinking, “Wow. I’m not sure if it can get any better than that.”

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

Now, I haven’t felt that before in other productions. But on this one, I really felt that. Yeah. It was an absolute joy.

Lauren Conlin:

I mean, I would assume a Steven Spielberg set would basically be a well-oiled machine, here. You know?

Jamie Harris:

Oh, completely. If a moment happened on set that wasn’t well-oiled, you would be confused as to what possibly went wrong.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. Right.

Jamie Harris:

He actually, as a young director, met my dad in Hollywood. He was telling me stories about Dad was taking him around Hollywood, somewhere. He didn’t get specific.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

He was an aspiring director, wasn’t sure if he was ever going to make it. You hear Spielberg say that, and you kind of have a-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… smile.

Lauren Conlin:

Mm-hmm. Totally.

Jamie Harris:

Then, Dad was telling him the ins and outs of the business.

Lauren Conlin:

Wow. Jamie, I love that. That is-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… so cool. Are you kidding?

Jamie Harris:

Yeah. I love it.

Lauren Conlin:

That’s a great story. Now tell me, what are you working on now? What is coming up for you? Anything else that you want to plug?

Jamie Harris:

Well, I’ve just done a movie called Brave the Dark, which my brother directed, Damian Harris-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… and Jared’s in. We shot it in Philadelphia, and that’s being released this year. I’ve seen it, and I think it’s a wonderful movie.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

It’s a beautiful, simple story about friendship, of an older man and a younger man, a teacher and a pupil. It’s a lovely, true story. So, I’m looking forward to that. Other than that, just trying to battle through this up and coming writer’s strike, which, of course, has put everyone on edge, slightly.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, so forgive me. I did not know there was a writer’s strike. I-

Jamie Harris:

Well, it’s threatening.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

So, if it happens it’ll be in June. So, everything is sort of rather scary, on hold. Everyone’s on-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

Any job that I talk about to people, to potentially doing-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… it is based upon whether this strike is going to happen, or not, so.

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

It’s all a bit nerve wracking.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. That is a little scary. And now, do you-

Jamie Harris:

Yeah. But also, I have two girls now, so I get time to be a dad.

Lauren Conlin:

Congratulations. How old are they?

Jamie Harris:

One’s two years old, and one’s four months old.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, God. The two-year-old. I get the jitters. They’re so scary at two. Sorry to say, I think they’re beastly at two.

Jamie Harris:

Thank you for saying that. You know? No, no, no. We get information back from our daycare, and I’m like-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… “Okay.” I’m like, “Look, it’s called the terrible twos for a reason.”

Lauren Conlin:

I 100% agree.

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

I used to Google like, “Is she a murderer?” Now, she’s almost seven, and she’s the sweetest. But, I was scared of my own child at two.

Jamie Harris:

No. I’m-

Lauren Conlin:

I was like, “When is she going to blow?”

Jamie Harris:

I’m really grateful you said that. We’ve actually just had a phone call, right before this interview started, that I have-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… to go and pick her up. She’s being sent home.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. Girls are so temperamental, I can’t even tell you. She’s going to grow up and be a beautiful, young person with her own mind, so.

Jamie Harris:

You know? It’s so understandable because even as an adult, sometimes emotions get the better of you. So, when you’re-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… two years old, and you’re having these emotions for the first time, it must be exhausting, and-

Lauren Conlin:

Can I tell you something, though? You should probably get a new daycare because that’s their problem. They shouldn’t be sending her home. “You guys deal with it. Unless she throws up everywhere, that’s your problem.”

Jamie Harris:

Okay. I’m liking that comment.

Lauren Conlin:

It’s true. I think it’s different in the UK. You guys are all about holidays and taking time off. In the US, everybody works from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, so they know-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… “You cannot bother parents.” I mean, literally-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… I don’t get a call unless my child has a 104 fever, vomiting everywhere. They don’t give a shit if she flicks anyone off, or whatever. They don’t care.

Jamie Harris:

You know what? I think they must have seen me coming as an English guy, then. Goddamn.

Lauren Conlin:

That is so funny. Well, no, girls are the best, and you seem like such a wonderful, attentive father. I just don’t-

Jamie Harris:

Oh, I adore them. Honestly, I will watch Winnie the Pooh for the 200th time.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, my gosh.

Jamie Harris:

I will watch Frozen until I’m dying. It’s fine.

Lauren Conlin:

It’s so nice, and I’m so jealous that you have a baby, still. I’m definitely not having any more. When people used to say, “Oh, it go so fast,” I’m like, “Dude, I cannot wait till it’s done. I’m so tired.” I look back, and I miss it, as tired as I was.

Jamie Harris:

How many do you have? One.

Lauren Conlin:

I said, “Two.” So-

Jamie Harris:

You have two.

Lauren Conlin:

… I’m done.

Jamie Harris:

Okay. I have two-

Lauren Conlin:

… I’m done.

Jamie Harris:

… as well, so we’re the-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… same. She’s gone from zero to two, damn quickly. I’m like-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

… “I don’t know where the hell it went, but-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

And then, in another element you go, “No. It took forever,” so it’s kind of weird.

Lauren Conlin:

Because you’re so tired and you’re like, “When can I travel with them, and when are they going to be good? When do I not have to worry about their naps, and them being cranky?” You’re waiting for all these milestones, and then finally you reach them. You’re like, “What happened? I kind of missed that.” You know?

Jamie Harris:

I know. It’s this-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris:

The strange thing about the human race is you want something to end. The minute it ends, you miss it.

Lauren Conlin:

You said that perfectly. I do want to ask you, can people follow you on social media, anywhere, to follow anything you’re doing, or posting?

Jamie Harris:

You know? I’ve been really bad with that. I have Twitter.

Lauren Conlin:

Twitter. Okay.

Jamie Harris:

I’m contemplating Instagram. The trouble is I am at that age. It all came out a little after me. So, either my wife helps me with it… I’m not brilliant at that.

Lauren Conlin:

I mean, do you want to throw out your Twitter handle for people to follow you, now? Just in case?

Jamie Harris:

It’s just JamieHarris. Right?

Lauren Conlin:

JamieHarris. Okay. It’s not like Jamie-

Jamie Harris:

That’s it.

Lauren Conlin:

… HarrisUK. Just-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… @JamieHarris.

Jamie Harris:

No. Jamie Harris, such a rare name. I think that’s all it is.

Lauren Conlin of Carnival Row:

So rare, so rare. I did try to find you on Instagram before, and there was a few, but it wasn’t you, so.

Jamie Harris of :

Well, that’s weird. One of the actors on set, really nice guy, Artie, created an Instagram for me. I’ve never gone on it, so I don’t know.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, that’s so funny. You should have your wife make a new one and run it for you.

Jamie Harris:

Okay. You-

Lauren Conlin:

I highly suggest it. Instagram and social media, as binding as it can be for one, I feel like it’s-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :


Lauren Conlin:

… such a big boost for careers in general, and for just promoting stuff that you’re working-

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

… on.

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:

You know what? I’m going to get-

Lauren Conlin:


Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:

… up and do it. I’m going to do it.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. I think you should. I think you would really benefit from it. Again, I’m kind of jealous in a way that you don’t have it. I do feel like I’m kind of attached to it a bit, but it’s helped me so much, so.

Jamie Harris:


Lauren Conlin:

You know?

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :

No. I can see we’re all becoming a slave to it. At the same time, nowadays, it’s what people look at. So, I need to get on that.

Lauren Conlin:

That’s exactly correct, exactly correct. Anyway, Jamie, it was so nice talking to you. I-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :

Lovely talking to you, as well.

Lauren Conlin:

… love this so much. Yeah.

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:

Thank you so much.

Lauren Conlin:

Yeah. You have to let me know when you come to New York City. I’m here. We’ll do an in-person interview. It’ll be wonderful, so-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :

I lived in New York City for nine years. I love that city.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, so you know it then. So we’ll-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:

Yeah, yeah.

Lauren Conlin:

… go to one of your old haunts.

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :

I was in the East Village. Loved it.

Lauren Conlin:

Oh, you’re cooler than me. I’m on the Upper East Side, so-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:

There you go, there you go.

Lauren Conlin:

It works, for now. It works.

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:

Well, no-

Lauren Conlin:

Anyway, I’m probably going to watch Carnival Row tonight, starting with Season-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :

Sounds good.

Lauren Conlin:

… 1, Episode 1. Everybody who is watching this, please go follow Jamie Harris on Twitter, @JamieHarris. He promises-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:

I’m going to get an-

Lauren Conlin:

He promises Instagram-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :

… Instagram going. Yeah. I’m going to do that. Just you wait.

Lauren Conlin:

Well, thank you so much for your time-

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row :

Bye-bye. Thank you.

Lauren Conlin:

… that. I’ll talk to you soon. Thanks.

Jamie Harris of Carnival Row:


Lauren Conlin:


2023 American Image Awards Honoring Willy Chavarria

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Lauren is a New York City based reporter, podcaster and host, with a focus on pop culture news and true crime. She is currently a writer and reporter for Pop Style TV, NickiSwift.com, and Grunge.com. Lauren is also the host and producer of the investigative podcast titled, “Corruption: What Happened to Grant Solomon.” She hopes to reveal the truth behind an alleged cover-up and accidental death of an 18-year-old boy in Tennessee. Lauren is the creator and host of the pop culture, news & crime podcast, “Lauren Interviews.” She has featured interviews with public figures like Joe Exotic, actors like Kyra Sedgwick and Alec Baldwin, plus real housewives like Luann de Lesseps. Lauren previously worked for WABC RADIO, writing news briefs and articles pertaining to entertainment, crime, and politics while also serving as on-air talent. Lauren also hosted a wellness show on WOR Radio in NYC, and then teamed up with 98 Degrees’ Jeff Timmons for a podcast called “Millennials Revealed.” Some true crime highlights in Lauren's orbit: After a woman named Julia Wandelt came forward claiming to be missing child Madeline McCann in 2023, Lauren went viral for getting the first video interview with her spokesperson, Fia Johansson; discussing whether or not a DNA test was underway. Lauren also revealed brand new interviews and information regarding the deaths of actor Brittany Murphy and her husband Simon Monjack in 2020, which lead to her also being featured on VICE TV and Law & Crime. Lauren also made headlines after an exclusive interview with the fiancé of Aaron Carter just days after his tragic death, while also covering Carter’s death as breaking news on Lawrence Jones Cross Country (Fox News). Lauren also reported on the tragic death of Matthew Perry as both breaking news, then as a tribute while on Fox News as a guest. Her interviews and reporting have been covered by People, EW, The Today Show, Perez Hilton, Page Six, Elle Magazine and more.
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